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The School organizes exams for the issuing of the following certificates:

Certificate for enrolment at Higher or Highest Education Institutes of Greece (level B2)

i) September 5th 2024 (application deadline: August 18th 2024)

1) application form
2a) copy of the certificate of studies (at least a secondary education diploma which gives the right to the applicant to enroll in higher or Higherst education faculties in his country), verified for the authenticity of the title by:

a) a Greek diplomatic authority abroad or

b) by the diplomatic authority of the foreigner’s country in Greece or

c) stamped with the APOSTILLE seal according to the Hague Convention

2b) official translation of the above mentioned document into greek or english
3) two passport-size photos

4) copy of the passport or residence permit or any other document that proves legal stay in Greece

5) receipt of the bank deposit of the exam fee 70 euros (it is deposited at the following bank account: PIRAEUS BANK – Swift: PIRBGRAA – IBAN: GR 04 0172 2020 0052 0200 2079 976, Project number: 96492)

Check here the candidate’s guide for the exam and a past paper.




Appointment of foreigners or Greeks

Holders of a graduation certificate issued by a foreign country in the civil service. A competence in the Greek language is required for those who wish to be appointed work in a Greek civil service.


Certificate of Attainment in Greek (levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1. C2 & Α2 for professional reasons)

The School of Modern Greek Language is an examination centre on behalf of the Centre of Greek Language for the issuing of the certificate of attainment in Greek. The exams are held once a year (in May). Information at www.greeklanguage.gr. The exams for A2 level for professional reasons are held 3 times/year (October, January and May).

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